Is gratitude the highest form of happiness?

Okay, happiness is a term we all know but don’t quite understand it. Hap-pi-Ness. Huh. How do we achieve it? Now I don’t for one minute believe that I’m a happy person. It’s been something I’ve tried to search for and have ended up disappointed everytime. The only thing I’ve found is gratitude. Before I was sick I used to run a charity called “the AIR project”. The charity focused on mental health and homelessness. I’d spend 5 days a week running food packages to those in need and meeting with local housing agencies to find empty homes for the homeless. Seeing the faces of those who need aid, light up time after time. Being successful in helping someone was the only drug I needed. I felt elated. I strongly believe that genuine gratitude is the highest form of happiness. So I challenge you with this. 

1) Think of a person who has had your back, someone you admire, respect and are thankful for.

2) Write a letter to that person explaining why they mean the world to you and what you are thankful for.

3) Now call that person and read the letter to them. No matter how long it’s been, call them.

4) Leave me a comment below and let me know if your happiness was raised.

No matter how dark your days are, happiness can be created.