Finding yourself: The never ending journey.

I feel like every 3-4 years I have to die so I can come back again. Almost like a reinvention of my former, broken self. Reincarnation of sorts, only this time, I seem to have forgotten how I did it for the past 12 years or so. I’m just lost. Floating around in some sense of reality, watching everyone else appear to live whilst I struggle just to get out of bed and do last night’s dishes. I’ve lost so much of who I am that I can’t remember how to claw back any of it. Maybe this is just who I am now and all I’m really doing is grieving for the person I was.

What do you do for self care? Any tips on how I can pull myself back on track?

Author: therantsofninjapants

Just a girl in her own prison.

3 thoughts on “Finding yourself: The never ending journey.”

  1. I try to take time for myself to get things off my to do list. I find it much harder to take care of myself if I’m stressed about a whole boat load of other things. Journaling, taking time to do something just for myself, and using a mint or lavender face wash/mask always help, too!

    Self rediscovery is a hard process and never seems to get easier but thankfully there’s always a way to move forward!


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