Video games and depression..

So, I’ve been a gamer for as long as I can remember. Opting to throw myself into the depths of adventures that I’d never go onto myself and choosing the level up set pieces rather than face the outside world. It’s been an argument I’ve had with so many people, time and time again – “it’s not real Claire” “why can’t you put as much effort into getting better as you do to fallout?” “You spend too much time gaming!! You’ll turn into a tv!” Pah! My gaming got worse 4 years ago when I was first diagnosed with bipolar. It was the only thing I could control and unlike my life – I could respawn at any point to get stronger. When my “friends” abandoned me it was the online gamer friends that picked up the pieces. It was them who stayed awake all night just to make sure I was okay. It was them who gave me the strength to know that if I could defeat Alduin, then I could face anything. Gaming is a distraction from the shit I can’t deal with whilst also giving me the sense of accomplishment that nothing else could. Video games give me my creative outlet and allow me to thrive in a way that nothing else can whilst I’m imprisoned within my thoughts.
I might not be able to walk myself down to the town but you can bet your arse I’ll defeat Diablo!

Author: therantsofninjapants

Just a girl in her own prison.

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